China joins the IEA Solar Collector and Cooling Programme

Author:None From:None Post time:05/02/2012 View:2325

The Academy China's Academy research of buildings (CABR), on behalf of the Ministry of science and technology (MOST), officially joins with the solar heating of the IEA and the cooling (IEA SHC) programme. China becomes a member of the SHC

Solar Water Heater

The Academy China's research of buildings (CABR), on behalf of the Ministry of science and technology (MOST), officially joins with the solar heating of the IEA and the cooling (IEA SHC) programme.
China becomes the 21 member of SHC, which promotes research and the deployment of solar heating and solar cooling technologies and buildings.
Promote the rapid and comprehensive implementation of solar thermal energy in China
"We welcome China as a new Member," said the Chairman of the IEA SHC Werner Weiss. "China is not only the largest solar thermal market, but also a center of I + D + D in solar heating and cooling technologies." "Our collaboration will help accelerate the development and deployment of solar thermal energy throughout the world."
China will be represented on the Executive Committee of IEA SHC by the Tao and Zhang Xinyu, both of the center of CABR for monitoring quality and Testing of solar heating systems. "After joining the IEA SHC can collaborate and share successful experiences with leading experts in solar thermal energy of countries members, that promote the rapid and comprehensive implementation of solar thermal energy in China", said Mr. He.


he advance of international collaborative efforts to achieve the goal established in the vision to contribute 50% of the low-temperature heating and cooling of the demand by the year 2030
The Solar Heating and Cooling Programme was founded in 1977 as one of the first multilateral technology initiatives ("the implementing agreements") of the International Energy Agency. Its mission is to "advance in international efforts of collaboration for the solar energy for reaching the goal set out in the vision to contribute 50% of the low-temperature heating and cooling of the demand by the year 2030."
Solar assessment of resources, solar architecture, solar cooling, and solar heat for industrial processes
The programme to collaborate with Member States (hereinafter "Tasks") in the field of research, development, demonstration (I + D) and test methods for solar thermal and solar buildings.
Current research lines range from the solar resource assessment-solar architecture, solar cooling of solar heat for industrial processes. Many of these issues will be discussed with 9-11 jul 2012 in San Francisco, USA.UU., the first International Conference of the SHC IEA in heating and solar cooling for buildings and industry.