Solar Source has been installed solar water heaters of water for the city of San
Post time:05/02/2012
Source Solar has recently installed 21 active solar hot water systems in various municipal buildings of the city of St. Petersburg. Energy efficiency and conservation Block Grant (EECBG), always through the American recovery and reinvestment
ARRA funds put local company to work the installation of 21 solar heaters for municipal buildings in St. Petersburg.
Largo, FL (THOMASNET) may 01, 2012
Solar Source has recently installed 21 active solar hot water systems in various municipal buildings of the city of St. Petersburg. Energy efficiency and conservation Block Grant (EECBG), always through the Act of recovery and reinvestment (ARRA) of 2009 payment systems. Solar water heaters are expected to help the city save more than $20,000 per year in operating costs through the reduction of the electricity bills.
Source solar installed solar thermal in four seasons fire, the building of sanitation operations, three plants of treatment of wastewater, the construction of water resources, the Sunshine Center, the Enoch Davis Recreation Center, City Hall, golf courses in the city, and the Colosseum. (Click here for a map).
Solar water heaters are part of a broader effort of renewable energy for the city, which includes the solar parks of grant initiative project. Solar source is the installation of photovoltaic systems in recreation centers and facilities of the Park in the city through the Solar parks initiative. PV systems will include an educational and interactive exhibition in the Centre of science of Pinellas County, where residents can learn how solar energy works.
"The ' city of the Sun" it was appropriate to invest in solar energy, said Jeremiah Rohr, representative of commercial sales for the solar source."Use of grant money to invest in solar hot water systems immediately reduce monthly operating costs for the city. As energy prices will continue to rise in the future, this investment will continue to generate even more savings for the city "."
Saint Petersburg is known as the "city of the Sun", since it has a Guinness world record for the record of most consecutive days of sunshine - a stretch lasting 768 days that began in 1967, according to the web site of the city. St. Petersburg, Councilman Charles nurse was a strong supporter of the plan of investment in clean energy, which also includes a solar energy program hot purchase of water for the residents of the city.
Thermal solar systems, also called for domestic hot water (DHW), uses the Sun's energy to heat the water that is pumped to a storage tank. The preheated water greatly reduces the need for traditional fuels to heat the water in the tank. Replacement of a typical system powered by solar energy water heater will reduce by more than 40,000 pounds of CO2 emissions of more than 20 years and potentially hundreds of dollars per year in utility costs.
About solar source:
Sun source (constructive resources, Inc. dba AAA Solar supply) is a Pinellas County contractor licensed the solar base (CVC056646) that specializes in residential, commercial and industrial projects, including photovoltaic (PV), solar heating, domestic hot water (solar hot water) heating, ventilation of the attic, and more throughout the Southeast region of the United States. Source Solar installs systems for installations of the Government businesses and schools throughout North America and has over 30,000 residential customers in six counties in the Tampa Bay metropolitan area.
Solar source installed first megawatts of photovoltaic rooftop system in Florida and a broad panel of 1,200 solar in the Guantanamo Bay Naval Station. Source Solar completed a large market of heating water for the project at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, and has heated swimming pools for the Olympic Games of Atlanta 1996 and Athens in 2004. Solar source is the founder of the source Solar Institute, a centre with educational license that provides solar training for the construction industry.