Despite the fall in the cost of solar power generation, that will survive grant
Post time:05/04/2012
The issue April 28, 2012, of The Economist has a history of solar energy of the India and mentions Charanka village in the District of Patan, Gujarat. Solar energy can be converted into electricity using photovoltaics, or can be converted into heat.
La cuestión 28 de abril 2012, de The Economist tiene una historia de la energía solar de la India y menciones Charanka aldea en el distrito de Patan, Gujarat. La energía solar puede ser convertida en energía eléctrica, utilizando la energía fotovoltaica, o se puede convertir en calor. (Existen otras tecnologías también, pero los que no son importantes todavía.)
Hasta ahora, la solar térmica, o la calefacción, en la India que ha significado cocinas solares y calentadores de agua, aunque no tiene por qué seguir así. Uso de energía solar concentrada (CSP), hay grandes plantas de energía solar térmica en EE.UU. y España, y Rajasthan (si no Haryana) podría tener algún pronto.
Desde enero de 2010, hemos tenido una Jawaharlal Nehru de la Misión Solar Nacional (JNNSM). Se trata de un asunto aparte que esto es bajo el ministerio de energía nueva y renovable, que es un incremento del silo, no del todo integrado en el Ministerio del Poder. Todas las iniciativas de energía nuevas y renovables han, hasta hace poco, cosmética. Hay misiones, ya que quieren ser vistos haciendo algo por el medio ambiente, no porque usted es particularmente grave. (Esto ha cambiado un poco, pero lo veremos más adelante.)
JNNSM has a goal of 20,000 MW connected to the network of solar energy for the year 2022, compared with around 1,000 MW now. Connected to the network that score is important. There are at least 50,000, if not more, peoples that may not be connected through networks. It is not viable. Populations sizes are small. The terrain is difficult and remote.
For those who are at Community level, or family level outside the network of solutions, such as independent power plants and pumping of water and sunlight. It doesn't work exactly that way in the developed countries, where matter is usually over the network. Outside the network, it also means that you have to find out what to do with the surplus of energy, since it can not be pumped and the storage is not easy.
Eventually, with the development and urbanization, these backward areas will be integrated and integrated. But until then, the unit of solar energy is no different from packages of inclusion, including financial inclusion. We cannot all access to the banks, so we are going to try to work through business correspondents.
The network requires conversion from DC to AC as solar cells produce direct current, and measuring separately (for example, if solar energy is extracted from a rooftop). There is also the electricity law (2003), national policy on electricity (2005), tariff policy, code of the interconnected system India (2010), National Plan of action on climate change (2008) and the recommendations of the CCA and the SEC. Therefore, there is an obligation to purchase renewable. This is not just for solar energy and there are been wise variations.
For example, in Tamil Nadu, it has a high level of commitment to purchase renewable. Although enforcement of something that is useless, unless it makes economic sense. That is what has changed. When is spoke of solar energy for the first time? Now no, but in the 1860s, when people thought that coal is overreaching. Coal is not over and there was no oil. Therefore, we forget it until 1970. In the India, we have begun to talk again now, because there is a problem of balance of payments, electricity shortages are limiting growth, the shortage of coal are widespread, imported coal is expensive and there is no natural gas.