Meet the next step in your routine Green: Solar Heater
Post time:05/04/2012
For many Californians, the adoption of measures to help the environment is already a way of life, from the recycling and the use of showers of low flow in time to test house and driving a low emissions vehicle. Now, the Solar California initiative (CSI)
For many Californians, the adoption of measures to help the environment is already a way of life, from the recycling and the use of showers of low flow in time to test house and driving a low emissions vehicle. Now, the Solar California initiative (CSI) - thermal programme is encouraging all Californians to take the next step in your routine green with solar water heating.
SACRAMENTO, California-(BUSINESS WIRE) - for many Californians, the adoption of measures to help the environment is already a way of life, from the recycling and the use of showers of low flow in time to test house and driving a low emissions vehicle. Now, the Solar California initiative (CSI) - thermal programme is encouraging all Californians to take the next step in your routine green with solar water heating.
"Earth month is the perfect time of year for people to think about what else can do to use energy more efficiently and reduce emissions." Solar water heating is a great way of doing two things ", said Gwen Marelli, Director of the Southern California Gas Company commercial and industrial services."The discounts that are available in the program help CSI-thermal to the purchase and installation of more affordable classification systems."
Customers of the four public investors in the State owned by heating water with electricity, natural gas or propane may be eligible for refunds within the framework of the program, which offers discounts on cash of up $1875 for solar water heating systems installed in single-family homes and up to $500,000 for systems installed in commercial or multi-family buildings. Increased levels of discounts are available for eligible qualified income single-family and multi-family dwellings of natural gas customers.
"Customers looking to save energy and money in the long term should be considered as solar heating of water," said David Rubin, Director of Pacific Gas and Electric Company. "It is an improvement to the environment of your home or business, that can also reduce your monthly energy bill." We are very happy to be able to support customers who are looking for "solar energy" with this technology. "
Typical solar water heating systems reduce the amount of energy needed to heat the water, working as a partner with a water heater. They capture the warmth of the Sun and transfer the heat to the water. The water heated with solar energy is carried out in a storage tank until it is needed to replace the hot water out of the conventional boiler for use in toilets, showers, bathrooms, dishwasher and washing machine.
"The Sun's heat energy is clean, abundant, and solar water heating technology is efficient," said Gary Barsley, solar energy and the selfgeneration of the SCE Program Manager. "That makes solar systems of heating of water in a smart way to generate hot water for your home or business."
There are requirements that must be met to qualify for a refund under the program, and factors as the amount of energy that the system can move will affect the amount of discounts that you may receive. The CSI-thermal program of rebates for the levels of reduction of a series of four steps on the basis of how much has been paid more than time, so those who act as soon as possible the will of those who benefit most.
"This type of discount encouraged the owners of homes and businesses to take the next step in energy conservation and efficiency, and help to build a sustainable future for California," said Andrew McAllister, CEO of CCSE. "Now is the time to learn more about solar water heating and the program of CSI-thermal".