Our Made-in-USA of series 8000 solar collector receives FSEC certification

Author:None From:None Post time:05/04/2012 View:2786

We are proud to announce that we have received from the Florida Center of Solar energy (FSEC) approval for our made in America series 8000 solar hot water of the Florida collector.As solar thermal installers and plumbers know, all collectors

Solar Collector

We are proud to announce that we have received from the Florida Center of Solar energy (FSEC) approval for our made in America of the collector of the solar hot water 8000 series.
As Florida solar thermal installers and plumbers know, all sold or manufactured collectors in Florida must be certified by the FSEC. As a result, the FSEC certification means free hot water made in USA.UU. Solar 8000 series can be installed in the homes and businesses of Florida and receive solar hot water available discounts and incentives.
For some reason, a large number of Florida homes and businesses use electric water heaters, which is one of the more expensive and more efficient methods to heat the water. In fact, according to the FSEC, a family of four usually uses 3,990 kilowatt-hours per year to heat water electrically, or almost $400 a year in electricity to 10 cents per kilowatt-hour. As a result, a solar water heating system must save between 50% and 85% of the portion of hot water on the monthly invoice.
Rather than replace these systems with natural gas or propane, thermal solar energy heaters installers can now suggest that customers invest in one of our American OG-300 systems that incorporate the 8000 series panels. Not only are going to be saving money, but these Florida business owners and homeowners will be contributing to the clean energy and energy independence.
Companies that use large amounts of solar hot water, such as hotels, apartment buildings, hospitals and nursing homes, will save even more on your water heating bills, especially in what will increase rates for services during the useful life of 20-30 years of solar thermal systems.
The FSEC is one of leading national certification and testing for solar products and computer laboratories. The experience of the Centre is based on nearly 30 years of experience in the realization of certification of solar energy and testing programs, as well as partnerships with such national associations as the National Association of State Energy offices (NASEO) and the solar rating and certification Corporation (ARS).