Author:None From:None Post time:05/07/2012 View:2912
1. Buildings of apartments for rent. Most of the buildings of apartments in the United States.UU. they have natural gas central heating water systems. Among tenants showers, washing machines and dishwashers, building owners are flushing a large part of their income for rent down the proverbial drain. If you have the space in the ceiling, heat stroke, and space for a solar storage tank, solar hot water is a breeze.
2 Hotels. When you think about the needs of hot water from the hotel, you think in sheets, towels, table cloths, dishes washing service rooms and restaurants, not to mention a swimming pool. The margins are much thinner that without a system of solar thermal energy that lasts 20 years or more. In addition, the hotel can promote their care of the environment by going solar thermal. Talk about the advantages of water hot free and call a Manager.
3 laundries. Laundry service are an obvious choice for the installation of solar hot water. Your business is based on hot water... and your water heating bills. A size of the solar hot water system can reduce the heating bills of water in an average of 70% throughout the year. And don't forget, free hot water of new pre-made with multiple collector and the option of tank systems to simple proposals.
4 Nursing Homes. Like hotels, nursing homes have diverse needs for solar hot water. It’s a combination hotel, hospital, and restaurant, serving the food, sterilization, and bathing hot water needs of its elderly clients, 24/7. Typically, nursing homes are built on a single floor, allowing for significant area on the roof for a solar thermal system. As Medicare reimbursements continue to decrease, solar hot water savings will enable these businesses to save more of their slimming margins.